Machine Learning
Last article written on
Sep 24, 2021
Mausam Gaurav
7 Articles tagged in Machine Learning


Article Sep 24, 2021
Article Author   Mausam Gaurav
Page Visits   18838
Machine Learning Neural Networks Python

In this article, we would first cover the traditional TF-IDF approach for document classification. TF-IDF stands for term frequency-inverse document frequency. TF-IDF is a numerical statistic often used as a weighing factor for words in a document, and as a proxy for how important a word in a document is in relation to ...

Article Feb 10, 2021
Article Author   Mausam Gaurav
Page Visits   19666
Machine Learning Data Science General

This article is the continuation of our previous article where we built a simple machine learning app to predict the species of a sample Iris flower. In the previous article, we learned how to create this application from scratch (with Django and React) and we also learned how to put our ...

Article Aug 30, 2020
Article Author   Mausam Gaurav
Page Visits   45690
Machine Learning JavaScript Python


Familiarity with Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS and some basic Linux commands. Although I would try to explain everything as much as I can, if you have some difficulty in understanding any concept please refer to the official documentation of Django, React, Docker, or any other documentation as necessary.

You would ...

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