Article Jan 25, 2020
Article Author   Mausam Gaurav
Page Visits   7023
General JavaScript

Introduction to React

React is a JavaScript library created by Facebook. It is also used by Netflix and Instagram. It is used to create JS-Driven dynamic web apps. Other similar JavaScript frameworks are Angular and Vue.

How React Works

All different functionality, parts of the web application are put into ...

Article Dec 27, 2019
Article Author   Mausam Gaurav
Page Visits   5475
General JavaScript

Before we begin, let us setup the environment to test our JavaScript (JS). We would create an index.html page, and run the JavaScript when the page is loaded into the browser. To do so, we would load our JavaScript within the tags <script> </script> in our html page ...

Article Dec 19, 2019
Article Author   Mausam Gaurav
Page Visits   25818
Machine Learning Data Science Python

Once you have successfully built a machine learning model, one of the first challenges is putting the model into production so that it can be used for realistic purposes. One of the best ways to achieve this is to create a REST API for your model so that the model can ...

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